Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Long overdue

   It's been far too long since I posted an update so here's a quick overview of the last several months.

   Way back in April:
   We got married on the steps of the Bathurst Lighthouse on Rottnest Island.  You can see too many wedding photos here

   Here we are hiding in a cave on the island the day after our wedding (happy couple).

   The weekend after we returned home to Queanbeyan we went up to Natfly in Temora - One of the biggest fly ins of the year.  It was a long drive but we had fun camping in the car, looking at airplanes and hanging out with some nice airplane people from the Canberra area.  This pretty tandem Flybaby was on display at the Rotec booth with 4 or 5 other radial-powered planes.

   As autumn closed in on us in May, we had a good time hiking the nearby Molonglo Gorge...

   As well as the reservoir behind the Googong Dam.

   Anthea took me to the arboretum where, among a few other plants, they were proudly displaying some North Carolina natives.

   In June we escaped the winter for a weekend camping at the coast (in our Ford Laser camper conversion).

   Hamish enjoyed the trip to Jervis Bay as much as we did (despite the windy conditions).

   He also showed that he can tolerate a kayak reasonably well.

   July brought a little home-improvement.

   The kitchen still isn't finished but at least it's part way there (yes at the moment it is in better condition than the photo shows).

   During the winter we continued our regular rehearsals with our big-ass ukulele band (the band is big, not the ukuleles).  Here's a picture of us at our first gig.

   In August I went back to NC to take care of some loose ends.  I didn't manage to get everything done but I still managed to visit family and friends some and I had the opportunity to fly up to Smith Mountain Lake, VA with my friends Chip and Alison (that's Chip in the hanger at Sanford aka Raleigh Executive Jetport).

   The Smith Mountain Lake flyin was a visit to Jack and Karen's new place (they're opening a B&B right at the airport).  That's Jack's Pietenpol Aircamper there.

   Turning onto final back in Sanford.

   Back in Canberra, September found us "training" on Lake Burley-Griffin.  We rented a canoe a few times in preparation for our upcoming float on the Murray River.  That yawl looks like a homebuilt to me, but I don't recognize the design.  We didn't get close enough to talk to the owner.

   September is the time of the Queanbeyan Swap Meet and American Car Show.  Believe it or not, those are American cars - Ford Mainlines (strange name for a car...)

   It's October now and the days are finally longer than the nights.  Soon I'll find out if Canberra has a summertime.

   Here's a pic of our band, "The Tuggeranong Ukulele Gang", returning from a gig at the coast

   I haven't got a boat or airplane project going at the moment but I'm able to make a few shavings occasionally by working on Anthea's new ukulele.

   I think I might have to start on the boat before my tools arrive.  I built my first boat with only a few tools, I should be able to make a pretty good start of this one, too.  We'll see.

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